Day-Off Bags

When I lived in NYC, I quickly learned that I needed to carry my entire life on my back.  I left home each day knowing that I wouldn't be back for 10-12 hours or more.  This translates into hauling necessities (wallet, keys, shades) plus everything from books, clothes, shoes, food, water, laptop, yoga mat, portfolio, toiletries, that-thing-you-need-to-return... am I forgetting something?  Probably.

Even now that I've relocated to a much smaller city, I STILL carry around a huge-assed bag 'cause that's just how I roll.  I defer to The Breakfast Club on this:

(I'm totally Allison btw, with a dash of Brian.  Who are you?)

(When I had jury duty I desperately wanted it to be like The Breakfast Club.  It was not.)

Point is, even us Allisons occasionally find ourselves with a day off.  A glorious day to stroll around the neighborhood.  A day for a quick jaunt to the coffee shop, or to visit friends.  We don't need gigantic bags of crap on our shoulders.  Just a simple little lightweight something to hold the basics.

When I make a bag that fits this bill, I file it under "Day-Off Bag."  They come in all shapes, sizes, and styles.  Don't expect them to carry your life.  They can't handle that much stress.  And neither should you.  At least for today.

See bags labeled "dayoffbag" here.

**photos: Colleen McNamara**models: Katie & Caitlin

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